Well this is My school Blog , i dont really post personal postings maybe once in a while But yeah :] & If your Reading my Blog C O M M E N T ! Please :*
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Smilee :)
such a beautiful, mesmerizing smile
It kills me to know that it'll only last
for a little while,
but at least it was there.
And I know you're broken inside,
because there's so much you're trying to hide
You aren't the only one who's about to cry,
who wants to die,
because I'm broken inside.
And that girl was your first love,
such a young, innocent love
It's amazing how as soon as it appears,
it's gone
it's over, it's done.
And I care about you,
the boy in the hallway after lunch.
And I know that you care,
just a little too much
about me. So why is that?
And I know that I shouldn't,
but I trust you more than I should.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
If you're mature enough (which your not since you stole a laptop)just return it !!! if not your just stupid !!!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
the mirror reflects more than you tell
About yourself, about your life, and feelings you don't show
The mirror reflects more than just yourself
It reflects your life in general, it reflects something else
Look in the mirror , are you happy with what you see?
Or is theres someone else who you'd rather be?
Review the reflection, that is in front of your eyes
Don't tell me that you believe this mask, trust this disguise
Just look deeper, look inside your mind
Get all the memories and secrets out, that you rather not find
Show your pain, show your scars
And look at yourself for what you are
Because you don't know how hard life is, until it's at a halt
And realize how much of that pain is you're fault
Make sense of yourself, and figure out why
You're still on Earth and not in the sky
The mirror reflects more than just you
It reflects the memories that most don't see true
Look in the mirror, one last time
Try to convince yourself that you're just fine
But no matter how hard you lie to yourself, and swear it's true
The mirror will always reflect the monster thats become of you
Friday, November 5, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Im Over It !!
the lies, they still ring in my head.
I loved you so much my heart could have burst,
i never thought you would be the one to hurt me the worst
As i sit here pain strikes at my heart-
tearing me to pieces,breaking me apart.
But then i think, as i see you walk away
since u really didn't love me, you weren't worth it anyway
i'm better without you
i smile more, and laugh more too.
And i now know i never did love you,
i just wanted to say it too
made in L.A part 2 !
They blame the contractors because the contractors give the
manufacturers a little bit of money so the manufacturers hire
the workers for a little bit of money and they profit some
of the money
2. What’s wrong with Forever 21′s argument?
They don't side with the workers. they just blame
the contractors and don't speak to them.
3. Why do the workers continue to protest even if it means they might lose their jobs?
They continue because they want justice.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
He killed a girl
Of a night with terror and gasoline.
Alcohol and razor blades,
A Chevy pick-up and a canteen.
Limbs and legs,
Piled in the back seat of the truck.
A grunt and a scream,
How much is too much?
Sip after sip,
It all falls effortlessly down.
The beautiful and the broken,
Falling to the ground.
The back seat of that Chevy truck,
The night his eyes went astray.
A deer in the headlights,
Only she doesn't see it that way.
A palm over a mouth.
The taste of sweat and blood.
Cold metal on her shoulders,
A knife and a gun.
Fingers pulsing sharply,
With every intake of breath.
Otherwise known as the night,
Her memory won't ever forget.
Nails burrowing deeper,
Frying down into flesh and blood.
The rain tastes like fire,
The water like mud.
Smoke billows from his mouth;
On a cigarette he drags.
A body convulsing with pressure,
From every attack.
He killed a girl
With blood beneath her nails.
A hole in her sweatshirt,
A smile that never fails.
He killed a girl
In ripped jeans and flip flops
She begged, she begged
She begged him to stop.
He killed a girl
With lips as blue as the sky
Watching the life drain out of her
As she began to cry.
He killed a girl
With his very own hands
He killed a girl,
But that wasn't part of the pla
Friends Are....
Friends are the ones who laugh at your stupidest joke.
Friends are always by you when you need help.
Friends lend a hand when you fall.
Friends are the ones you can act craziest with and no one is there to judge you.
Friends help you when you can not answer the easiest question and not insult you.
Friends are the shoulders you can cry on.
Friends are the people you can talk about anything.
Friends think you are perfect even though you might be imperfect because nobody's perfect but that is how special friends are.
People are who come and go but friends stay in your heart like a rich man sticks to gold.
Friends are these girls: Amy Jimenez, Susana Sanchez , Brittany pena.
Where did the heroes go ?
Who says they don't cheat?
Who says they're not fighters
And all they want is peace?
Why does the good guy always win?
Is he still good if he loses?
Maybe there's no goodperson at all
Just the one everybody chooses
There's no one who always fights for what's right
Only those who fight for their opinion
A hero always fights for life
But what about those who gave up on living?
There's no 'A' for effort
In a world of admiration
One fail and you're done
And we all move on to the next sensation
Monday, October 18, 2010
made in L.A !
The people in L.A have homes, but the ones in Indonesia don't have homes.
2. Why is it that poor immigrants (newcomers) end up working at sweatshops? Why don’t they work as lawyers or doctors or at Mcdonald's?
They work in sweatshops because they don't have enough money.
i don't know why they don't work in mcdonalds because its easy to just go and
apply for a job.
3.Predict what’s going to happen by the end of this movie.
I think that in the end some of the sweatshop workers are going to quit
and apply for another job.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
behind the swoosh 3
Thats really sad how your using those
Indonesian workers. they're humans just like
you. you shouldn't work someone to death
and only pay them $1.25. thats just SICK!
you should go see for yourselves how these
people live off your pay ! its just ridiculous.
Friday, October 8, 2010
behind the swoosh part 2
2. What is life like for Indonesian Nike workers at home? it is very difficult for them because they don't make a lot of money so they don't have a lot of food.
3. Why won’t Nike talk to Jim or Leslie or let them visit the shoe factory?
Because they know why Leslie and jim are going to the factory, and they don't want everybody to know the truth.
Monday, October 4, 2010
behind the swoosh
2. Where do your sneakers come from? Who makes them?
I believe they come from factory's. I'm not to sure who makes them.
3. What is a sweatshop (take a guess, even if you have no idea)
I believe sweatshop is a back room where they make children work.
which is basically child labor.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Two truth's and a lie !

When I went to rockland state park with
my family, we went to the pool ! There was a diving board over a pool that was 9 feet !!!! All my cousins jumped off but I didnt want to. sooner or later i ended up jumping in and i felt like i was going to die ! luckily i swam good enough and made back up to the surface ! :)

One day I was walking with my mom and we saw a whole bunch of police cars and ambulances.when we looked up there was a guy that was about to jump off a building. the cops were trying to persuade him not to jump off the building, but he still did!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Beauty and love
Beauty; I find it in you, in your voice.
Falling in love; it was never a choice.
Everything you hate about yourself, it’s everything I adore.
Each day I love you, more than ever before.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Ill protect you from all harm,
Ill hold you in my arms,
Just give into my charm.
Because Theres no need to cry,
Are your wondering why?
Ill make you Forget all your fears
Ill fill your life with cheers
I Told you once
And ill tell you twice
My love have no price
You can offer me a million
Or even a billion
You can offer me all the bourbon in the world
And i still wont say a word
Your the true picture of Love
Since your just like a white dove
Flying so high above.
This rhyme is like sweeties
And its giving me diabetes!
So im going to end this rhyme
Before it turns into a crime
The last words i say
Actually comes from a play
But dont hate me, Okay?
I Love You only takes a second to say, i proved that today
Ill be Yours forever and always,and thats all i wanted to say!
[Can we be] more [Than just friends]
no matter how many messages I send
I can no longer pretend
you make my stomach bend
twist and turn the butterflies flutter
cant you see when we speak I tend to mutter
yes were friends but I want so much more
I want you to love me to the core
you care for me a lot you swore
but once again I want so much more
I want your lips on mine while the rain pour
cant you see its you I adore
When will you finally pull me near
no longer hiding behind fear
giving me that smile that is so rare!
When I catch that stare
I run out of air
its more than I can bare.
I need to be so much more
why is our love such a war
please give into your heart so we both win
lets finally be more than just friends!
that question KILLS me !
are you to going out ?
&& you don't realize
how painful it is
to say we are
just friends.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
My madLibss !
You know crystal and breanna
And deyzhane and susana,
sarai and brittany
And thalia and amy.
But do you recall
The most tiny student of all?
buster the little student.
Had a very cutie nose
And if you ever saw it
You would even say it glows.
All of the other students
Used to threw and call him names
They never let poor buster
hung in any student games.
mr.lahana came to say,
buster with your nose so might
Won't you guide my bus tonight?
Then all the students loved him
And they flew about with glee,
“buster the little student
You'll go down in history!”
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Guardian angel
A smile plastered on their face
We watch blinded by their savoring grace
To our aid they come to help us mend
They hold a vow to be forever our friend
Angels watching over us
In them we give our full trust
As they glide about in the sky above
Spreading around their endless love
In time they'll sing lively songs
Life could never ever go wrong
Given to us by the man Himself
We all each have a Guardian Angel
To our needs they shall attend
Though we may not know it in the end
A warrior of good they are
They shine through our darkest nights as that single star
Sadly they look down from the clouds
Something of greatest worth hidden beneath thy evil's shroud
Their light trying to reach through
So good may prevail and keep us pure
Our friend, our Guardian
Life's greatest gift is our very own Angel
A fire they light up in the darkest soul
They will never give up on us, that we should all know
So when life seems like the end
Look up and remember your Guardian Friend
Don't let them down and not be strong
For Better Days are to come alongTuesday, May 4, 2010
SuPeR SIzE ME 3!!!
for calories I got 1440, and for fat I got 64
2) Look at the chart below. Did your McDonald’s meal add up to more calories and fat than is recommended for your age? If so, how much more?
No ii actually had less than what was recommended for girls my age.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
SuPeR SIzE ME 2!!!!
No. Because McDonalds isn't the only restaurant that sells unhealthy food.
2.McDonalds is the largest owner of private playgrounds in the world. What other ways does McDonalds use to market their food to children?
They have cartoons, they have a clown, and they sell kid meals that come with toys.
3.How many calories do you think a healthy kid should eat in a day (click here for a clue)? According to the movie, how many calories are in a Super Size fries? How about a Double Gulp soda?
1,600 to 2,500 per day. 500 calories. .
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
SuPeR sIZe ME!!!!
1. How many times a week do you eat at McDonalds or other fast food restaurants? Do you ever think about whether what you are eating is healthy? Why or why not?
I eat macdonalds atleast every 2 or 3 weeks. I dont really think about that . Because a lot of kids these days dont pay attention to what they eat. but ii think im going to start paying attention to that more often.
2. What do you predict will happen to Morgan’s health at the end of the month? Do you think he will remain in perfect health?
I think morgan is going to gain a lot of weight. I dont think he is going to be in perfect shape beacause mcdonalds is fast food and has a lot of fat in it.
3. In one scene there is a shot of a McDonalds inside of a hospital. What do you think about that? Do you find it normal, funny, strange, or sad?
I think that is a very bad idea because in hospitals they want you to stay healthy and be in good shape , but having a mcdonalds in a hospital is bad because that is what the patients are going to want to eat mcdonalds and that will be a problem.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
the meatrix
In factory farms they don't give the animals the proper food, but in
family farms they give the animals the proper food.
2. Why are animals fed antibiotics in factory farms and why is this dangerous?
They are fed antibiotics so that the animals can stay alive. This is dangerous because
if the animals eat too much antibiotics they can get what we call e coli and that is basically super bacteria . If the animals have e coli that goes in our meat.
3. What happens to animal excrement (poop) in factory farms?
It ruins the community because all the poop goes underground and the excrement
flows into the community river.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
ii dont think ii can trust you anymore
I thought we were friends for life buh i guess we aren't in your world.
but its okay im not going to say anything.
how can i trust you anymore.
you did something that hurts a lot.
i may talk to you but,
i don't think im going to trust anymore.
: (
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
1. What were the most interesting parts in this documentary?
I think the most interesting part in the documentary was when the girls showed different types of piercings, because it showed piercings that were okay but some that were just very weird.
2. Name at least three reasons why people get pierces.
one reason is because thats how they express their self
another is because they think its cool,
also because they think it makes them look cute
3. Do different pierces say different things about people? For example, does having your ears pierced say something different then having an eyebrow ring?
I don't think so , because all piercings are kinda the same its just that people in different places. for example some people get them on their tounge and some people get it on the belly button its the same thing.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
bestiee for lyfe
sarai is the best
I tell her everything
sarai is the type of friend that you
can never stop talking to.
the best friend
she is the best.
I can tell her anything and she wont tell anybody.
idk what i would do without her...