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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

ii dont think ii can trust you anymore

How can you do something like that??
I thought we were friends for life buh i guess we aren't in your world.
but its okay im not going to say anything.
how can i trust you anymore.
you did something that hurts a lot.
i may talk to you but,
i don't think im going to trust anymore.
: (

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


1. What were the most interesting parts in this documentary?

I think the most interesting part in the documentary was when the girls showed different types of piercings, because it showed piercings that were okay but some that were just very weird.

2. Name at least three reasons why people get pierces.

one reason is because thats how they express their self
another is because they think its cool,
also because they think it makes them look cute

3. Do different pierces say different things about people? For example, does having your ears pierced say something different then having an eyebrow ring?

I don't think so , because all piercings are kinda the same its just that people in different places. for example some people get them on their tounge and some people get it on the belly button its the same thing.