Well this is My school Blog , i dont really post personal postings maybe once in a while But yeah :] & If your Reading my Blog C O M M E N T ! Please :*
Friday, May 25, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
113. Tell the story of when you were bullied. What would you say to him/her now?
The last time i was bullied ? i think in Elementary school.
why was i bullied ? Cause of my weight... I guess you could say I was fat .
And that was probably the worst day of my life. I didn't know what to do with myself.
I felt as if being fat was a bad thing , as if i had to be skinny in order for someone to like
me /: . I felt like everyone hated me ... i Never told ANYONE this but it feels to get it off my chest I guess. What would i say to that person who bullied now ? Well I would say Thank you . Since that day in elementary school I realized that not everyone is nice and not to expect everything that comes out a persons mouth is going to be nice. That made me the person i am today. Im comfortable with my weight and I dont care what ANYONE THINKS ! Of course there are those people now and then That call me fat but you know what I do ? I Keep a smile on my face and ignore them . i know most people would probably start yelling back at them or something but when you get angry it shows them that they're getting to you and enjoy it.
why was i bullied ? Cause of my weight... I guess you could say I was fat .
And that was probably the worst day of my life. I didn't know what to do with myself.
I felt as if being fat was a bad thing , as if i had to be skinny in order for someone to like
me /: . I felt like everyone hated me ... i Never told ANYONE this but it feels to get it off my chest I guess. What would i say to that person who bullied now ? Well I would say Thank you . Since that day in elementary school I realized that not everyone is nice and not to expect everything that comes out a persons mouth is going to be nice. That made me the person i am today. Im comfortable with my weight and I dont care what ANYONE THINKS ! Of course there are those people now and then That call me fat but you know what I do ? I Keep a smile on my face and ignore them . i know most people would probably start yelling back at them or something but when you get angry it shows them that they're getting to you and enjoy it.
Monday, May 14, 2012
When did you last sing to yourself ? To someone else ?
The Last song i sang to myself maybe 1O Seconds ago was More than this One Direction Lol :p
and the last time i sang to someone else was Friday i Think ?
I Always sing to Amy , Susana , and Diamond Lol .
I Love singing its my Talent ? The only thing is i kinda get
shy sometimes. I Would put up a video but again Im Shy :x
- Should i Upload One ? Comment Por Favor ( Please ) :*
and the last time i sang to someone else was Friday i Think ?
I Always sing to Amy , Susana , and Diamond Lol .
I Love singing its my Talent ? The only thing is i kinda get
shy sometimes. I Would put up a video but again Im Shy :x
- Should i Upload One ? Comment Por Favor ( Please ) :*
If the person you were engaged to marry had an accident and became paraplegic , would you go through with marriage or back out of it ?
I wouldn't back out of it. I might sound crazy to some people
but if i got engaged to the person it's because i loved them right ?
Marriage is when your ready to fully commit to that one special person .
& When you marry someone that means your willing to be with that person
through Sickness & Health , For Rich or For Poor . That's what the vowels Are isn't
it ? ( i Think they're called Vowels O.o Lol ) But Yeah i wouldn't Back out . I'd
stay true to my Word :]
but if i got engaged to the person it's because i loved them right ?
Marriage is when your ready to fully commit to that one special person .
& When you marry someone that means your willing to be with that person
through Sickness & Health , For Rich or For Poor . That's what the vowels Are isn't
it ? ( i Think they're called Vowels O.o Lol ) But Yeah i wouldn't Back out . I'd
stay true to my Word :]
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
96. In conversations, do you tend to listen or talk more?
Um i Actually Listen more O.o Well it depends on my mood.
If im in a good mood I'll probably Talk a little more . But
if im in a bad mood Like now -____- I'll just Listen .
I'm not gonna write much cause Like i said im not in the mood.
I can't wait to Go home man -.-'
If im in a good mood I'll probably Talk a little more . But
if im in a bad mood Like now -____- I'll just Listen .
I'm not gonna write much cause Like i said im not in the mood.
I can't wait to Go home man -.-'
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
38. What’s one thing in life you regret the most?
Um i Would Say that i Dont Regret Anything But , i had to choose something i would say
Gaining feelings for this One Person /: We talk & all but i feel like things will never happen
between us. The school year is almost over & We're going to different high Schools .
& I dont have a lot of trust in him Which sucks because i really Like him ...
He's Super Funny , he can be sweet & He plays Basketball ♥_♥ Lol .
But i Know it sounds weird that i Like somebody that i can't really trust ,
But nobody Knows what i've been through with this Kid /:
Its been Crazy . I wish my Feelings for him would go away ,
But its difficult. Its like the Little things he does Makes me like
him even More > _<
- Help ?
Gaining feelings for this One Person /: We talk & all but i feel like things will never happen
between us. The school year is almost over & We're going to different high Schools .
& I dont have a lot of trust in him Which sucks because i really Like him ...
He's Super Funny , he can be sweet & He plays Basketball ♥_♥ Lol .
But i Know it sounds weird that i Like somebody that i can't really trust ,
But nobody Knows what i've been through with this Kid /:
Its been Crazy . I wish my Feelings for him would go away ,
But its difficult. Its like the Little things he does Makes me like
him even More > _<
- Help ?
73. Do you prefer being around guys or girls? Do your closest friends tend to be guys or girls?
Um well i Prefer to be around guys. Why ? Cause they have good
sense of humors , I Like talking about Sports & Overall There just
Easy Going. When i'm around girls i Feel like i can't say much
cause all they do is Judge /: Which really Sucks Cause i would
like to be able to have the good conversations i have with the
boys with the girls. Do you feel the same ? Comment :*
sense of humors , I Like talking about Sports & Overall There just
Easy Going. When i'm around girls i Feel like i can't say much
cause all they do is Judge /: Which really Sucks Cause i would
like to be able to have the good conversations i have with the
boys with the girls. Do you feel the same ? Comment :*
Monday, May 7, 2012
Boredom Kills xD
So im in tech & im Not sure what to write about. Im sitting Here with My Boo Thang Isaiah Listening to Music .
This boy is so dumb i swear :p . Theres nothing to do anymore its like E V E R Y O N E
Is boring -____- Thats a Blow i swear > _ < There goes my post for today ...
Hope everyone Has a Wonderful Day :'] ( Sarcastic Voice ) Lmfao :*
This boy is so dumb i swear :p . Theres nothing to do anymore its like E V E R Y O N E
Is boring -____- Thats a Blow i swear > _ < There goes my post for today ...
Hope everyone Has a Wonderful Day :'] ( Sarcastic Voice ) Lmfao :*
Friday, May 4, 2012
99. Write a letter to the NYCDOE (New York City Department of Education) about why YouTube should not be blocked.
I Think That youtube shouldn't be blocked because
believe it or not us kids can learn a lot from there.
I know that sounds weird but there is a lot of Tutorials
on how to make games & stuff on there.
Even though its blocked We're smart. We know
how to get that stuff unblocked >:] & that takes time
but if it was just unblocked we wouldn't get distracted with
trying to unblock it .
believe it or not us kids can learn a lot from there.
I know that sounds weird but there is a lot of Tutorials
on how to make games & stuff on there.
Even though its blocked We're smart. We know
how to get that stuff unblocked >:] & that takes time
but if it was just unblocked we wouldn't get distracted with
trying to unblock it .
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
62. Do you have a collection? If so, what do you collect and why?
I Actually Do.
Its A whole bunch of memories basically. For example i Have
Birthday Cards , Roses ( I know Weird :p ) & letters Between
me & other people :x Why do i collect these things ?
Well because I Like to remember good things in life.
All the positive stuff Not negative. & some of the things
i have are things that i want to cherish forever ♡
Its A whole bunch of memories basically. For example i Have
Birthday Cards , Roses ( I know Weird :p ) & letters Between
me & other people :x Why do i collect these things ?
Well because I Like to remember good things in life.
All the positive stuff Not negative. & some of the things
i have are things that i want to cherish forever ♡
Random Question 47 ;
47. Say you’ve met an amazing person you’re dying to date.
This person feels the same way about you. The problem is that this
person has a quality your family would flip out about, even though you
don’t think it’s a big deal. Maybe it’s this person’s age, race,
occupation, appearance, religion, or interests. What about a potential
boyfriend or girlfriend would drive your parents insane? Do you think
you’d back down and not date this person if your family made a huge
fuss, or would you stick to your guns?
It depends on my Feelings . like if i really like this person or maybe even love i would
stay with them doesn't matter what anybody says. Those are my feelings &
nobody can change them. Like i mean if that person was to disrespect my Family then i
Wouldn't be with them. I may love you & all But if you find it Okay to Disrespect
my Family it's time for you to go /:
It depends on my Feelings . like if i really like this person or maybe even love i would
stay with them doesn't matter what anybody says. Those are my feelings &
nobody can change them. Like i mean if that person was to disrespect my Family then i
Wouldn't be with them. I may love you & all But if you find it Okay to Disrespect
my Family it's time for you to go /:
Monday, April 30, 2012
44. What’s something you just can’t figure out? Explain.
Hmm something i cant figure out ? Uh why are there so many Killings happening.
What do people find so good in killing a human being ? I bet you wouldn't like if someone killed one of your family members. Dont you Regret it after ? If i murdered somebody i wouldn't be able to
live with myself. Knowing everyday of my life that i killed another living soul. & i find it pointless
why would you Do that if your just gonna end up in jail with a bunch of Bad people .
But here's the thing. That's how i feel about innocent strangers being killed. But God forbid one of
my family members were killed. I'll Go C R A Z Y. I dont care who you are , whos your mom , or your dad whatever I will Probably Murder you ! Especially if that was my mom , Brother or any other close family members. Id probably turn you into Human Sushi >:|
What do people find so good in killing a human being ? I bet you wouldn't like if someone killed one of your family members. Dont you Regret it after ? If i murdered somebody i wouldn't be able to
live with myself. Knowing everyday of my life that i killed another living soul. & i find it pointless
why would you Do that if your just gonna end up in jail with a bunch of Bad people .
But here's the thing. That's how i feel about innocent strangers being killed. But God forbid one of
my family members were killed. I'll Go C R A Z Y. I dont care who you are , whos your mom , or your dad whatever I will Probably Murder you ! Especially if that was my mom , Brother or any other close family members. Id probably turn you into Human Sushi >:|
52. If you could meet anyone, alive or dead, who would it be? Consider scientists, entertainers, world leaders, artists, writers, people in your family, and so on. Make a list of questions you’d like to ask this person.
If i could meet anyone dead or Alive i would Probably Want to meet my Aunt Rosie.
Why ? cause i want her to know how much we miss & Love her :$ <3
i Would ask her these things :
- How does it Feel to be in Heaven ? Or the other World ?
- Is it similar to when you were alive ?
- Is it Peaceful or not ?
- Do you miss us ?
My aunt Rosie was Such a Loving person. She was so sweet & showed everybody so much Love.
it didn't matter who you were. She had so much friends and looked out for all of them.
When she passed away it was hard on Everybody. there were so many people in her
house during the rosaries. She wasn't my Blood aunt But she was like one to me.
She Loved life & didn't think about the negative Only the positive she was
just an Overall great person :'] ' ♥
Why ? cause i want her to know how much we miss & Love her :$ <3
i Would ask her these things :
- How does it Feel to be in Heaven ? Or the other World ?
- Is it similar to when you were alive ?
- Is it Peaceful or not ?
- Do you miss us ?
My aunt Rosie was Such a Loving person. She was so sweet & showed everybody so much Love.
it didn't matter who you were. She had so much friends and looked out for all of them.
When she passed away it was hard on Everybody. there were so many people in her
house during the rosaries. She wasn't my Blood aunt But she was like one to me.
She Loved life & didn't think about the negative Only the positive she was
just an Overall great person :'] ' ♥
91. Would it disturb you much if, upon your death, your body were simply thrown into the woods and left to rot? why?
It Would bother me Actually. Why would i want to know that my body was just thrown in the woods ?
I believe everyone should have a proper burial. Well not Everyone cause murderers
should be left to die somewhere so that they know How their victim felt. Not everyone would agree with that but its my opinion. But anyways back to the subject. If my body was left somewhere to rot i would be angry. When you bury someone properly that puts them to rest in peace. But if someone was just thrown i think their soul would be angry & never go to peace. /:
I believe everyone should have a proper burial. Well not Everyone cause murderers
should be left to die somewhere so that they know How their victim felt. Not everyone would agree with that but its my opinion. But anyways back to the subject. If my body was left somewhere to rot i would be angry. When you bury someone properly that puts them to rest in peace. But if someone was just thrown i think their soul would be angry & never go to peace. /:
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
I Got A HUGE Crush On Zayn Malik ( From One Direction ) ♡
- - Name
- Zayn Javadd Malik
- - Birthday
- 12 January 1993
- - Biography
- Zayn Malik - born Zayn Javadd Malik - is an English singer from
the Boy band One Direction. He had an English mother and a
British Pakistani father in Bradford, where he was raised with
three sisters.In
2O1O, he auditioned for The X Factor, and was almost
eliminated during the bootcamp stages of the competition when he
refused to dance. He failed to qualify for the 'Boys' category, but
was later brought back as part of a group formed by Simon Cowell -
One Direction.
- Quote
“There comes a day when you realise turning the page is the best feeling in the world, because you realize there's so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on.”
Stay AWAY From Him Too >_< ♡
Monday, April 23, 2012
My Wife Rihanna ♥ . ♥
Her Birth Name -
Robyn Rihanna Fenty
Nickname -
Caribbean Queen
The Barbados Babe
Height -
5' 8" (1.73 m)
Rihanna was born in a community in Barbados called St. Michael. Rihanna won numerous beauty pageants and performed Maria Carey "Hero" in a school talent show.Her life changed forever when one of her friends introduced her to Evan Rodgers, a producer from New York who was in Barbados for a vacation with his wife, who is resident. She was 16 when she was signed to Def Jam.
A Quote From Her -
I love the high-risk (guys). I don't like cream puff, corny guys. Usually they are the nice guys, the ones that won't hurt you. They'll pull out the chair for you and the whole nine yards. Everything is perfect and boring. I like the risk, I like the edge. That's the thrill for me.
- Being a size zero is a career in itself so we shouldn't try and be like them, it is not realistic and it is not healthy. You shouldn't be pressured into trying to be thin by the fashion industry, because they only want models that are like human mannequins. They know that if we see an outfit on a mannequin in a shop window we will love it and want to buy it whatever size we are. That's why they have size zero models - they want to sell clothes. But you have to remember that it's not practical or possible for an everyday woman to look like that."
Shes Amazing :x
BTW Stay AWAY From My Wife Okay ? ♥
Robyn Rihanna Fenty
Nickname -
Caribbean Queen
The Barbados Babe
Height -
5' 8" (1.73 m)
Rihanna was born in a community in Barbados called St. Michael. Rihanna won numerous beauty pageants and performed Maria Carey "Hero" in a school talent show.Her life changed forever when one of her friends introduced her to Evan Rodgers, a producer from New York who was in Barbados for a vacation with his wife, who is resident. She was 16 when she was signed to Def Jam.
A Quote From Her -
I love the high-risk (guys). I don't like cream puff, corny guys. Usually they are the nice guys, the ones that won't hurt you. They'll pull out the chair for you and the whole nine yards. Everything is perfect and boring. I like the risk, I like the edge. That's the thrill for me.
- Being a size zero is a career in itself so we shouldn't try and be like them, it is not realistic and it is not healthy. You shouldn't be pressured into trying to be thin by the fashion industry, because they only want models that are like human mannequins. They know that if we see an outfit on a mannequin in a shop window we will love it and want to buy it whatever size we are. That's why they have size zero models - they want to sell clothes. But you have to remember that it's not practical or possible for an everyday woman to look like that."
Shes Amazing :x
BTW Stay AWAY From My Wife Okay ? ♥
Friday, April 20, 2012
You are applying for a very important job. Before deciding to hire you, your new employer wants your Facebook password. Do you give it to them? Why or why not?
Personally i wouldn't give it.
Why ? because i feel that my personal
life doesn't have anything with my job.
I have the right to have privacy.
What does my facebook password
have anything to do with my job ?
Why ? because i feel that my personal
life doesn't have anything with my job.
I have the right to have privacy.
What does my facebook password
have anything to do with my job ?
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Will you raise your kids the same way your parents raised you?
I definitely will. Why ? Because i feel like my mom & Dad ( stepdad )
are raising me the Right way. they don't let me stay out late , hang out with people who are
disrespectful or Do bad things. I Know most kids hate that their parents do that stuff but i don't.
Because i know by them doing that I'm not gonna get in trouble .
I Don't wanna be like none of these girls that only hang out in the street like if they
dont have a home & then get pregnant at 16 -____- Girls think its Cute and Cool when they stay out late like No you only look like a Hood Rat . Cut it out
already & they wanna mess with these boys that Go out with everyone & then have the nerves to start crying when the boy breaks their heart or something.
Like you Knew he was a little player Stupid Girl ! Then the boys think they're cute joining gangs and stuff -___ - You're not though ! this is one of the reasons why all these young people are dying these days ! >.<
are raising me the Right way. they don't let me stay out late , hang out with people who are
disrespectful or Do bad things. I Know most kids hate that their parents do that stuff but i don't.
Because i know by them doing that I'm not gonna get in trouble .
I Don't wanna be like none of these girls that only hang out in the street like if they
dont have a home & then get pregnant at 16 -____- Girls think its Cute and Cool when they stay out late like No you only look like a Hood Rat . Cut it out
already & they wanna mess with these boys that Go out with everyone & then have the nerves to start crying when the boy breaks their heart or something.
Like you Knew he was a little player Stupid Girl ! Then the boys think they're cute joining gangs and stuff -___ - You're not though ! this is one of the reasons why all these young people are dying these days ! >.<
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Have you ever wished you were the opposite sex?
Yes , I actually have one time .
Why ? Because i feel like boys
have everything waaay easier.
For example ,
No pregnancy , periods & their
heartbreaks aren't that serious .
Us girls go through everything
boys dont know the half of it /:
Why ? Because i feel like boys
have everything waaay easier.
For example ,
No pregnancy , periods & their
heartbreaks aren't that serious .
Us girls go through everything
boys dont know the half of it /:
Monday, March 26, 2012
Friends . . .
Everybody says friends are people you can trust , tell anything to without them
judging you , they stay by your side through anything & Etc .
If thats the case , I have almost No Friends . . . I feel like have nobody i can do all that to
, & if i do i can count them on One hand and i wouldn't even use all five fingers /:
Sometimes i wish i had that one "Dream Friend " The one i can tell all those things to and they would
stay by my side no matter what . I wanna be able so have that friendship that when i have kids i can introduce them to my kids and say " We've been Friends ever since Middle school "
Will that ever happen ? I don't think so. Remember not all dreams come true . If that one dream did come true i'd Be very Happy But i'm not gonna get my hopes up . . . /:
judging you , they stay by your side through anything & Etc .
If thats the case , I have almost No Friends . . . I feel like have nobody i can do all that to
, & if i do i can count them on One hand and i wouldn't even use all five fingers /:
Sometimes i wish i had that one "Dream Friend " The one i can tell all those things to and they would
stay by my side no matter what . I wanna be able so have that friendship that when i have kids i can introduce them to my kids and say " We've been Friends ever since Middle school "
Will that ever happen ? I don't think so. Remember not all dreams come true . If that one dream did come true i'd Be very Happy But i'm not gonna get my hopes up . . . /:
If you could know one thing about your future , what would you want to know ?
I would want to know if i became successful or not &
if not what stopped me from reaching success.
Why ? Because i would wanna know
what or Who stopped be from reaching
my goals. So i can know what and what not to
do later on in life .
if not what stopped me from reaching success.
Why ? Because i would wanna know
what or Who stopped be from reaching
my goals. So i can know what and what not to
do later on in life .
Do you think the way media portrays relationships between girls and boys is accurate ?
Nope , Why ? Because they make it seem like
everything is all fine and dandy but they don't show what really happens.
for example the heartbreaks & betrayal. Sometimes i think they should show how
relationships REALLY Are because little kids are going to expect to be carried
away on a horse by a prince charming but the reality is thats really never gonna happen /:
everything is all fine and dandy but they don't show what really happens.
for example the heartbreaks & betrayal. Sometimes i think they should show how
relationships REALLY Are because little kids are going to expect to be carried
away on a horse by a prince charming but the reality is thats really never gonna happen /:
If there was a public execution on TV would you watch it?
No i wouldn't.
Why would i want to watch somebody
get killed on tv ? i can barely watch
somebody getting there ears pierced
or something Lol .
But why would they even put a
execution on T.v ? Thats just sick >.<
Why would i want to watch somebody
get killed on tv ? i can barely watch
somebody getting there ears pierced
or something Lol .
But why would they even put a
execution on T.v ? Thats just sick >.<
Who can make you happy right now ?
I Would say my little brother Ethan /:
right now i'm just tired of everything & everybody.
i Cant wait to graduate from this school .
Now don't get me wrong this school is good
i just don't really like the students . . .
All people do is talk S**t & Be Nosey.
Ethan would just make me forget about all
that with his Smile & Sense of Humor ♥
right now i'm just tired of everything & everybody.
i Cant wait to graduate from this school .
Now don't get me wrong this school is good
i just don't really like the students . . .
All people do is talk S**t & Be Nosey.
Ethan would just make me forget about all
that with his Smile & Sense of Humor ♥
Whats your opinion on Sagging Pants ?
Um well i have mixed " Emotions " on sagging pants.
For example when boys sag just a little bit
I dont think its that bad.
But when their pants are about to touch the floor -_____-
Thats Ridiculous.
For example when boys sag just a little bit
I dont think its that bad.
But when their pants are about to touch the floor -_____-
Thats Ridiculous.
Friday, March 23, 2012
How Would you describe your home life ?
I would say my home Life is Great ,
My family gets along , We're always
together. We're always there for each
other & we all show each other
a lot of Love ☺
My family gets along , We're always
together. We're always there for each
other & we all show each other
a lot of Love ☺
Who do you feel comfortable talking with when you have a problem ?
Uh well i would say my Boy Bestfriend Noel <3
He's really understanding & he basically has gone
through everything i have :']
He knows how to listen & gives good advice.
He is the most understanding boy i know ♥
He's really understanding & he basically has gone
through everything i have :']
He knows how to listen & gives good advice.
He is the most understanding boy i know ♥
Carmelo Anthony ♡ . ♡

Since entering the NBA, Anthony has emerged as one of the most well-known and popular players in the league. He was named to theAll-Rookie team, to the All-Star team five times and to the All-NBA team four times. Anthony led the Nuggets to two division titles and to the playoffs every year from 2004 to 2010. In 2009, he helped the Nuggets advance to the Conference Finals for the first time since 1985. As a member of the USA National Team, Anthony won a bronze medal at the 2004 Olympics and a gold medal at the 2008
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Amare Stoudemire ♥ . ♥
Amar'e Carsares Stoudemire born November 16, 1982 is an American professional Baksetball player who plays as a power forward and center for the New York Knicks of the Nation Baksetball Association Stoudemire played high school basketball for six different schools, before graduating from Cypress Creek High school and declaring for the NBA draft as a prep-to-pro player. In high school, Stoudemire won several honors most notably being selected as Mr. Basketball for the state of Florida. Stoudemire initially committed to the University of Memphis. He was selected in the first round with the ninth overall pick in the 2002 NBA Draft, Stoudemire spent the first eight years of his career with the Phoenix Suns, before signing with the New York Knicks. Stoudemire is listed at 6 feet 11 inches and 260 pounds .
Stoudemire is known for having a relatively successful career despite having chronic knee problems and having microfracture surgery on his knees. Stoudemire won the NBA Rookie of the Year Award in 2003, made six appearances in the NBA All-Star Game, was a first-team All-NBA selection in 2007, and won a bronze medal with the United States men's national basketball team at the 2004 Olympic Games.
Stoudemire is known for having a relatively successful career despite having chronic knee problems and having microfracture surgery on his knees. Stoudemire won the NBA Rookie of the Year Award in 2003, made six appearances in the NBA All-Star Game, was a first-team All-NBA selection in 2007, and won a bronze medal with the United States men's national basketball team at the 2004 Olympic Games.
Monday, March 19, 2012
My Bacteria So Far , O31912
Look How Nasty this thing
looks ! it smells soooooo
bad. All this water came
from Mr.Lahanas sink water !
Remind me to never wash my
hands there ? Lol .
looks ! it smells soooooo
bad. All this water came
from Mr.Lahanas sink water !
Remind me to never wash my
hands there ? Lol .
Friday, March 16, 2012
Water Test Updated Again , O31612
So Look what happend to my Bacteria !
← Hopefully you can kinda see the bacteria ,
Its all white with a yellow circle type thing .
My prediction is that the whole container ,
is gonna fill up with the bacteria & then its going
to like dissolve or something O.o Lol .
Okay so i was brave enough to pull off
the Lid & The Bacteria S T I N K S !
Omg its super gross x_x
← Hopefully you can kinda see the bacteria ,
Its all white with a yellow circle type thing .
My prediction is that the whole container ,
is gonna fill up with the bacteria & then its going
to like dissolve or something O.o Lol .
Okay so i was brave enough to pull off
the Lid & The Bacteria S T I N K S !
Omg its super gross x_x
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
My Water Test Updatedd :]
So if you can see in the picture over Theree
← Thats My water experiment .
I dont know if you can see it But theres
a white fuzzy spot in the container .
I believe thats the bacteria .__.
Thats kinda gross /: Lol .
← Thats My water experiment .
I dont know if you can see it But theres
a white fuzzy spot in the container .
I believe thats the bacteria .__.
Thats kinda gross /: Lol .
Monday, March 12, 2012
Im So Excitedd :)

Today my little brother comes Home :] He was is florida with his Godmother , i missed him so freaking much . My house is TOO quiet without him .
im used to walking in my moms house & Hearing JILL ! & seeing
him run to me ♥
Alright this is kinda late but The " reunion " was Amazing :']
When i saw him i ran to him he started hugging me
& told me He missed me :] This Little boy is My
World ♡ No matter How annoying he can be i
will always love him With every bit of My heart :']
I Love You Ethan :*
Alright this is kinda late but The " reunion " was Amazing :']
When i saw him i ran to him he started hugging me
& told me He missed me :] This Little boy is My
World ♡ No matter How annoying he can be i
will always love him With every bit of My heart :']
I Love You Ethan :*
1O Things I wanna do before i die . . . ♥
Friday, March 9, 2012
A n o t h e r Random Question ❊

Uh Well Nothing so far This year ,
BUT From Last Year ?
My Solo Beats -____-
Why ? Cause This year They came out
with some REALLY Nice ones .
They game out with nice Bright Colors ,
& I Love Bright colors ♥
So I definitely Regret buying those -.-'
My Post For Today ♥
Okay so Like i say all the time ,
Mr.Lahana says we have to post something everytime we
have him but i don't know what to write /:
But i was experimenting with the computer & i found Special Characters
[ Thats what they're called on the computer ] .
& i fell in Love With the Stars :$ ★✰☆
I Dont Know why O.o Lol
But yeah um thats all i can write for now ,
Time to go Edit My Blog Some More : )
Mr.Lahana says we have to post something everytime we
have him but i don't know what to write /:
But i was experimenting with the computer & i found Special Characters
[ Thats what they're called on the computer ] .
& i fell in Love With the Stars :$ ★✰☆
I Dont Know why O.o Lol
But yeah um thats all i can write for now ,
Time to go Edit My Blog Some More : )
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
My Water Testing Experiment : ]
Okay , So i told Mr.Lahana that i had an Interest
In water & He told me about this water testing Kit
He had. I asked him what it was for , He said it was
for testing water & checking if it was drinkable or not.
I was immediately interested. So he let me try it &
< - That's a picture of it. Im supposed to let it sit and Harden.
Im supposed to make a prediction now so , I Think that when the
Substance Hardens its going to end up drying & Then Little Dots Are going to be left behind & the dots are going to represent the Bacteria that's in the water : ]
In water & He told me about this water testing Kit
He had. I asked him what it was for , He said it was
for testing water & checking if it was drinkable or not.
I was immediately interested. So he let me try it &
< - That's a picture of it. Im supposed to let it sit and Harden.
Im supposed to make a prediction now so , I Think that when the
Substance Hardens its going to end up drying & Then Little Dots Are going to be left behind & the dots are going to represent the Bacteria that's in the water : ]
My Exciting News :]

I was so anxious :x We've been waiting for those letters for a super Long time.
I was Super Happy with the high school i got accepted to :]
Which was my First Choice , The New York Harbor School .
The school is focused on Marine Biology ,
Which i always had an interest in .
The school Is located on Governors Island ,
Which means i have to take a boat to school Every morning ,
How Awesome is that ? Lol
The other awesome part about that school is that my Cousin
got accepted to that school also , which means I get to see him
Everyday & Annoy him > : ]
So , yeah thats my post for the day <3
Monday, March 5, 2012
Random Question
16. You’ve been hired to write a teen dictionary. What would be the first 10 words all teens should know about?
O1 ; Hope
O2 ; Faith
O3 ; Trust
O4 ; Love
O5 ; Sorrow
This Is all i could think Of /:
O1 ; Hope
O2 ; Faith
O3 ; Trust
O4 ; Love
O5 ; Sorrow
This Is all i could think Of /:
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Random Question :]
10. Are you an extrovert (energized by being around other people) or an introvert (energized by being alone)?
Uh I'm an Extrovert . Why ?
Because i like to make me people laugh :]
i hate seeing other people depressed so i act all
retarded and stuff :p
Uh I'm an Extrovert . Why ?
Because i like to make me people laugh :]
i hate seeing other people depressed so i act all
retarded and stuff :p
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
14. When someone has bad breath do you tell them or try and ignore it?
Uh well i ignore it .
Well it depends who it is actually .
for example if your my family member I'll tell you
because your family & I'm gonna look out for you .
But if your a friend or something i just might ignore
it because I'll feel bad after /:
Uh well i ignore it .
Well it depends who it is actually .
for example if your my family member I'll tell you
because your family & I'm gonna look out for you .
But if your a friend or something i just might ignore
it because I'll feel bad after /:
Random Question .
8. Some people enjoy getting compliments and some people feel embarrassed by them. Which are you? What are some compliments you get a lot? Are there times when you get compliments and don’t believe them? Explain.
Well , I'm the type of person who enjoys getting compliments :x
A Compliment i get a lot is that i have nice eyes.
& yes there are some compliments i do not believe .
For example when people call me beautiful.
i just dont believe them /:
Trust issuess /:
Well i feel as if its very rare to find someone one that you can trust nowadays .
All people like to do is start rumors & spread peoples business . I felt as if i could trust this " Person " But now I'm having second guesses. I feel as if this person is telling other people
things that they shouldn't be . But i don't care anymore . I'm just keeping things to me , myself & i , now . No more expecting people to be there for me or Thinking i can trust people :/
All people like to do is start rumors & spread peoples business . I felt as if i could trust this " Person " But now I'm having second guesses. I feel as if this person is telling other people
things that they shouldn't be . But i don't care anymore . I'm just keeping things to me , myself & i , now . No more expecting people to be there for me or Thinking i can trust people :/
Monday, February 27, 2012
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Blaaaah ;p
Well uh we have to post something every time we're in tech
but i don't know what to write O.o So i guess I'm going
to talk about my day so far. Well its been pretty good
I'm here sitting down with Jansen & Isaiah <3 They're
too much i swear :] All they do is talk about sports
i don't mind though i like sports B]
but i don't know what to write O.o So i guess I'm going
to talk about my day so far. Well its been pretty good
I'm here sitting down with Jansen & Isaiah <3 They're
too much i swear :] All they do is talk about sports
i don't mind though i like sports B]
Monday, February 13, 2012
Random Questions ;p
Friday, February 10, 2012
5-O ; The Police mann B]
O1) Describe a time when a police man/woman has helped/protected you or someone you know?
Uh well there was a time where my cousin got robbed & the police helped out by looking for the people who robbed him & arrested them
O2) Describe a time when a police man/woman has acted in a way you disagreed with. How could they have handled it better?
Well there was a time when i saw the police arresting some guy in the front of my building & the guy came out disrespectful to the police & they started mistreating the guy & i feel that they could have just ignored the man & they didn't have to mistreat him .
O3) Should citizens be able to take photos and videos of the police? Why or why not?
Yes. Why because i believe if they see police acting up they should be able to capture evidence & if us citizens aren't able to take photos/Videos of these things i believe the police will think it's okay for them to do those type of things because they wont get caught.
O4) Is there anything a citizen should not be allowed to take a photo or video of (for example, inside the subway, couples making out, outside the White House)?
Um i cant really thing of anything right now O.o
Uh well there was a time where my cousin got robbed & the police helped out by looking for the people who robbed him & arrested them
O2) Describe a time when a police man/woman has acted in a way you disagreed with. How could they have handled it better?
Well there was a time when i saw the police arresting some guy in the front of my building & the guy came out disrespectful to the police & they started mistreating the guy & i feel that they could have just ignored the man & they didn't have to mistreat him .
O3) Should citizens be able to take photos and videos of the police? Why or why not?
Yes. Why because i believe if they see police acting up they should be able to capture evidence & if us citizens aren't able to take photos/Videos of these things i believe the police will think it's okay for them to do those type of things because they wont get caught.
O4) Is there anything a citizen should not be allowed to take a photo or video of (for example, inside the subway, couples making out, outside the White House)?
Um i cant really thing of anything right now O.o
Monday, February 6, 2012
Friday, February 3, 2012
I lovee thiss kidd Muchooo <3 we've been friends for a while now &' we've gotten waaaay Closeer .
I feeel comfortable when im around you unlike some of the otheer boyss . He's like a brother to me &' i dont know what id do without him /: And for all you peoplee readingg thiss i was Talking about Noel :'] I Loveee youuuuuu stinnky butt <3
I feeel comfortable when im around you unlike some of the otheer boyss . He's like a brother to me &' i dont know what id do without him /: And for all you peoplee readingg thiss i was Talking about Noel :'] I Loveee youuuuuu stinnky butt <3
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Mr.Lahana's Random questions :']
O1. Describe your bedroom. What’s the single most important thing in it?
Well its Pink & Blue :] Has one big Comfy Bed B] O2 Big Dressers ,
a flat screen TV & O2 Mirrors <3 The most important thing ? My mirrors :']
O2. What’s your best childhood memory?
Well when my mommy used to sing '' My little sunshine'' to me :] I love that song <3 <3
O3. What’s something you eat that many people find disgusting?
Uh Eggs with Mayonnaise :x
O4. Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?
Nope , Why ? Because thats basically like you're walking down the street see a boy & fall in love.
That's stupid. and how do you fall with somebody you dont know ?
O5. Do you sing in the shower?
W H O D O E S N ' T !? Soo yeah :']
O6. What’s one thing you’d change about your neighborhood?
The violence >.<
O7. If you were the opposite sex, what would your name be?
Um my name would be Alexander . B]
O8. A window opens, it’s you 3 years ago, what advice do you give yourself?
Keep your head held high and don't pay attention to the trouble makers .
O9. What something you fake all the time?
My Happiness /:
Well its Pink & Blue :] Has one big Comfy Bed B] O2 Big Dressers ,
a flat screen TV & O2 Mirrors <3 The most important thing ? My mirrors :']
O2. What’s your best childhood memory?
Well when my mommy used to sing '' My little sunshine'' to me :] I love that song <3 <3
O3. What’s something you eat that many people find disgusting?
Uh Eggs with Mayonnaise :x
O4. Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?
Nope , Why ? Because thats basically like you're walking down the street see a boy & fall in love.
That's stupid. and how do you fall with somebody you dont know ?
O5. Do you sing in the shower?

O6. What’s one thing you’d change about your neighborhood?
The violence >.<
O7. If you were the opposite sex, what would your name be?
Um my name would be Alexander . B]
O8. A window opens, it’s you 3 years ago, what advice do you give yourself?
Keep your head held high and don't pay attention to the trouble makers .
O9. What something you fake all the time?
My Happiness /:
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Marks Random question for me :p
What is your favorite thing to talk about when you are with your friends ?
Answer- Well ; B O Y S duuuh :p Lml . Well also the awesome things that
happened during our day :]
Answer- Well ; B O Y S duuuh :p Lml . Well also the awesome things that
happened during our day :]
I lovee My Bffl susana OD <3 She funny , coool &' i can tell her thingss and she wouldnt say anything.
I remember when we barely used to talk but now we got much closer this year :']
We're always actingg retarted together :] Especially when we do things that annoys people
For example Crawling on our knees >:] Muahahahaha I lovee youuuuuuu susana sana <33
I remember when we barely used to talk but now we got much closer this year :']
We're always actingg retarted together :] Especially when we do things that annoys people
For example Crawling on our knees >:] Muahahahaha I lovee youuuuuuu susana sana <33
Monday, January 23, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
james reddick(noel)
wassup this is james reddick(noel) on my friend jillian who just added me a couple days ago and this is my friend so who ever has anything to say about it can shut up nah but this is her Boy Bff my ninjas and she can never stay never stay mad at me caue im a clown my g and i love her who ever got a problem you KKKKKK!
sincerely Noel I love you Jillian >:P
sincerely Noel I love you Jillian >:P
If you were given one minute on national TV , what would you say or do ?
Me- Jillian is the best &' everybody should love her ! <3
Noel - Ladies Holla at me , if you need a man im here and dont be shy a brother man can help you anytime !
If you had to pick a punctuation mark to represent your personality, what would you choose ?
Me- Exclamation Point ; !
Noel- Exclamation Point ; !
If you could trade places with an animal for one day , which animal would it be ?
Me- Tiger ; Rawr >:]
Noel - Monkey ; Ooh Ooh Aah Aah :p
What do you think would be the scariest or most dangerous job to have ?
Me - Fireman ; O.o
Noel- Construction worker ; :-|
If you found a box that was sealed and marked '' Do Not Open,'' what would you do ?
Me- Not open it ! ; Duuh .
Noel- Open it ! ; Cause ima Gee B]
Me- Jillian is the best &' everybody should love her ! <3
Noel - Ladies Holla at me , if you need a man im here and dont be shy a brother man can help you anytime !
If you had to pick a punctuation mark to represent your personality, what would you choose ?
Me- Exclamation Point ; !
Noel- Exclamation Point ; !
If you could trade places with an animal for one day , which animal would it be ?
Me- Tiger ; Rawr >:]
Noel - Monkey ; Ooh Ooh Aah Aah :p
What do you think would be the scariest or most dangerous job to have ?
Me - Fireman ; O.o
Noel- Construction worker ; :-|
If you found a box that was sealed and marked '' Do Not Open,'' what would you do ?
Me- Not open it ! ; Duuh .
Noel- Open it ! ; Cause ima Gee B]
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
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