The last time i was bullied ? i think in Elementary school.
why was i bullied ? Cause of my weight... I guess you could say I was fat .
And that was probably the worst day of my life. I didn't know what to do with myself.
I felt as if being fat was a bad thing , as if i had to be skinny in order for someone to like
me /: . I felt like everyone hated me ... i Never told ANYONE this but it feels to get it off my chest I guess. What would i say to that person who bullied now ? Well I would say Thank you . Since that day in elementary school I realized that not everyone is nice and not to expect everything that comes out a persons mouth is going to be nice. That made me the person i am today. Im comfortable with my weight and I dont care what ANYONE THINKS ! Of course there are those people now and then That call me fat but you know what I do ? I Keep a smile on my face and ignore them . i know most people would probably start yelling back at them or something but when you get angry it shows them that they're getting to you and enjoy it.
I like your post and I thing you put a lot of detail I feel bad you were bullied about your weight
I really like this post. Because you told us how it once affected you and now it doesn't even bother you. You're a strong person :)
i like the fact that you didn't let anything or anyone bring you down and that shows self confidence.
Thanks you guys ♥
i really like this post jillian your a brave person i really think people shouldnt be bullied about their wieght or anything else i think you did good on this post by showing the details. good job. your a brave person and always were :)
Im sorry you were bullied but, at least your smart enough to know not care was other people think.
aww all i have to say is good job for not letting those people get to you everyones perfect in their own way dont ever change for anyone no because our flaws make us unique and with out them we'd all be the same.
i like your post and sorry that you got bulllied but if they tell you that your fat to this day dont take there word be you and stay you
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