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Wednesday, February 29, 2012


14. When someone has bad breath do you tell them or try and ignore it?
Uh well i ignore it . 
Well it depends who it is actually . 
for example if your my family member I'll tell you
because your family & I'm gonna look out for you .
But if your a friend or something i just might ignore 
it because I'll feel bad after /: 

Random Question .

8. Some people enjoy getting compliments and some people feel embarrassed by them.  Which are you?  What are some compliments you get a lot?  Are there times when you get compliments and don’t believe them? Explain.

Well , I'm the type of person who enjoys getting compliments :x 
A Compliment i get a lot is that i have nice eyes. 
& yes there are some compliments i do not believe . 
For example when people call me beautiful. 
i just dont believe them /: 

Trust issuess /:

Well i feel as if its very rare to find someone one that you can trust nowadays .
All people like to do is start rumors & spread peoples business . I felt as if i could trust this " Person " But now I'm having second guesses. I feel as if this person is telling other people
things that they shouldn't be . But i don't care  anymore . I'm just keeping things to me , myself & i , now . No more expecting people to be there for me or Thinking i can trust people :/

My prezi Updated a littlee moree :]

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Blaaaah ;p

Well uh we have to post something every time we're in tech
but i don't know what to write O.o So i guess I'm going
to talk about my day so far. Well its been pretty good
I'm here sitting down with Jansen & Isaiah <3 They're
too much i swear :] All they do is talk about sports
i don't mind though i like sports B] 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Chris Brown <3 My future husband <3 ;
His music is The best ; he can dance ; act :
He's a triple threat ! And how can i forget
He is VERY good looking :]

Random Questions ;p

 6. Do you believe in ghosts?  Why or why not?
Uh well i do and then i don't . why ? 
i believe in ghost because of all the ghost hunting shows.
they have some pretty convincing evidence. But
at the same time i don't because I've never actually
seen one with my own eyes.

Friday, February 10, 2012

5-O ; The Police mann B]

O1) Describe a time when a police man/woman has helped/protected you or someone you know?
Uh well there was a time where my cousin got robbed & the police helped out by looking for the people who robbed him & arrested them

O2)  Describe a time when a police man/woman has acted in a way you disagreed with.  How could they have handled it better?
Well there was a time when i saw the police arresting some guy in the front of my building & the guy came out disrespectful to the police & they started mistreating the guy & i feel that they could have just ignored the man & they didn't have to mistreat him .

O3) Should citizens be able to take photos and videos of the police?  Why or why not?
Yes. Why because i believe if they see police acting up they should be able to capture evidence & if us citizens aren't able to take photos/Videos of these things i believe the police will think it's okay for them to do those type of things because they wont get caught.

O4) Is there anything a citizen should not be allowed to take a photo or video of (for example, inside the subway, couples making out, outside the White House)?
 Um i cant really thing of anything right now O.o 
Well i loveee thiss kidd A LOT  :]
we've gotten waay closer this year ;
i feel as if he's there to give good
advice & im heree for him ;
me and him Are always Biting eachother >;]
its like our signaturee i dont know what
for eachother lmfaooo ;
I Lovee youu Isaiah :]

Monday, February 6, 2012

Aah Man ; Victor Cruz <3 This guy is Dreaammmyy :]
He's Puerto Rican Which makes him even M O R E
Attractive ;] I love it when he does his little salsa move
when he makes a touch down or Something <3
;] ;] ;] ;] ;]

Friday, February 3, 2012

I lovee thiss kidd Muchooo <3 we've been friends for a while now &' we've gotten waaaay Closeer .
I feeel comfortable when im around you unlike some of the otheer boyss . He's like a brother to me &' i dont know what id do without him /: And for all you peoplee readingg thiss i was Talking about Noel :']  I Loveee youuuuuu stinnky butt <3

Wednesday, February 1, 2012