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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

SuPeR sIZe ME!!!!

1. How many times a week do you eat at McDonalds or other fast food restaurants? Do you ever think about whether what you are eating is healthy? Why or why not?

I eat macdonalds atleast every 2 or 3 weeks. I dont really think about that . Because a lot of kids these days dont pay attention to what they eat. but ii think im going to start paying attention to that more often.

2. What do you predict will happen to Morgan’s health at the end of the month? Do you think he will remain in perfect health?

I think morgan is going to gain a lot of weight. I dont think he is going to be in perfect shape beacause mcdonalds is fast food and has a lot of fat in it.

3. In one scene there is a shot of a McDonalds inside of a hospital. What do you think about that? Do you find it normal, funny, strange, or sad?

I think that is a very bad idea because in hospitals they want you to stay healthy and be in good shape , but having a mcdonalds in a hospital is bad because that is what the patients are going to want to eat mcdonalds and that will be a problem.

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